It’s time to explore the World

It’s time to explore the World

In an increasingly globalized world, the internationalization of careers and companies has become an attractive possibility for expanding skills and achieving success in today’s market.

Allied to this is the fact that Brazil is going through constant periods of political and economic instability, causing many professionals to consider leaving the country in search of growth opportunities and higher salaries.

Internationalization of careers and companies

By working in an international environment, professionals have the opportunity to come into contact with a new culture, acquire new knowledge and skills, expand their network of contacts and become more competitive in the job market. 

The digital nomad visa is a possibility embraced by many professionals around the world.

For companies, internationalization can be an important strategy for generating new business, increasing sales, accessing new markets and becoming more competitive.

The step-by-step process for international migration

Making the decision to leave Brazil to pursue a profession and take part in everyday life in another country is not as simple as packing your bags and “touring” the world. It depends on a number of factors, such as each individual’s personal and professional goals. 

Thinking professionally, some signs that may indicate it’s time to leave Brazil include the desire for professional growth, the search for experiences beyond one’s comfort zone, mastering a new language or experiencing a different culture.

The first step is to carefully research and plan the entire process in detail. There are various resources available to help you take the first steps, such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations and companies like the Global Mindset Academy, which offers courses, mentoring and immersions for professionals at this stage of their career.

Emotional preparation should also be on the checklist when organizing a move abroad, as it is essential to end one cycle and start a new one with a lot of energy.

Valuable tips from the experts

GMA’s team of experts has compiled a list of practical and valuable tips for professionals seeking international paths. Even before choosing a country, you need to define your objectives. The basic question is: “What do you hope to achieve through internationalization?”. The answer to this question will guide the other stages. Popular wisdom says that “those who know what they want, go further”, and here it proves true.

The next step is to research the international market and the opportunities available. At the same time, you need to develop useful skills for the position and for survival in the new country, such as learning a new language, getting to know the country’s daily life and characteristics, as well as developing intercultural skills to avoid awkward situations.

It’s also important to connect with people in your chosen country to build up a network of contacts. Social networks are excellent tools for this stage, so keep your LinkedIn and CV up to date.

When the time is coming

GMA’s team of experts also have some extra tips, such as starting the process without trying to do everything at once, taking one step at a time and completing the stages gradually.

Analyze all the details and seek out different points of view so that you can make up your own mind, always remembering that there is no “right time” to leave the country. This is a personal decision. And finally, remember not to give up on your dreams and always bet on your potential. You can always start again! 

Internationalization can be a challenging experience, but it can also be very rewarding.

For professionals seeking professional and personal growth, internationalization can be the right choice. To find out more about Global Mindset Academy’s courses and mentoring, visit the website and schedule a call with our team.